Wednesday, July 13, 2011

fish and dip

me and ang went to garage sales last friday. they were having a couple around the square and we wanted to see what crown point had to offer so off we went! didn't buy too much - except this sweet fishy pin <3

and a few other little things. mostly though, we were inspired by the cool art shops we didn't know existed until that day. go crown point! there were a few places selling local artist's work and just trinket after impressive trinket to keep our minds buzzing. our next project is going to be with this stuff:
yes, plasti-dip! ang says we can dip stuff in this, and it gives it a coat of plastic to basically preserve it and give it a smooth, lasting finish. 'nuff said for me! i can't wait to try it! will post pictures when it's all said and done:):):) and i'm still working on my table collage... will need to finish soon though because our furniture gets delivered on friday! so excited. will post pics of that also. until then, it's bedtime for me. i'm sleeping at my parents tonight. feels kind of nice to be back in my own room, sorry sweetheart:) more later...  

Sunday, July 3, 2011


"swordfish" would win a ton of points in words with friends lol. obsessed much? i love that game! but anyway, hello:) it's late sunday night and i am wiped out! happily, though. it's been a pretty great weekend so far -- and we still have another day! hooray for that. i gotta say though, if i did have to go back to work tomorrow it would suck a little less after the past few days. a lot of that's because of how so so happy i've been teaching pilates. my first client from flossmoor came on friday, and jt brought his mom, and angela came with jon:):):) so i had my first ever full class and that was very awesome. everyone did SO great. then on saturday sweetheart came! i was dragging myself out of bed in the morning when he asked to go and that made it much much easier to get excited about being up that early on a saturday. we picked up our friend amy on the way too. i think sweetheart was surprised by how much he liked pilates, and how hard it was! lol, but he did so awesome and amy had perfect form, so bravo to her:)

well, pilates ended up turning into lunch at our house with amy. one of the reasons why i like her so much is because she's a kindred spirit when it comes to food. she loves veggies and interesting varieties of stuff from other cultures, and really loves organic or locally produced things. amen to that! so today she brought over some eggplant to roast on the grill with some chipotle blackbean burgers that i could've probably eaten 12 of! seriously, where have those been all my life? tasty, tasty things. and then lunch with amy turned into the beach:) it was a beautiful day.

and tomorrow is Gram's birthday -- so  happy birthday to you Gram, love you! xo xo. it's also the 4th of july lol. cant wait to eat cotton candy while watching the fireworks cuddle up to sweetheart. cheers everyone. more later...
