Tuesday, June 28, 2011


here are the snippets i cut up this weekend for my collage. there's a red theme because our kitchen is red!:) i showed sweetheart today and he seems really pumped. i hope it turns out well. i'm gonna need about 3 times as many pieces in order to cover the surface of this:
but i think once it's done we should have a cute original piece for our house. we've only been looking for furniture for about 3 months now! i know. but i refuse to buy anything that makes us look like the Cleavers, and everything he likes is ugly. haaa:) i'm just playing honey. i don't know what's taken us so long, but i do think we're both sort of still in disbelief that we're at the stage of picking out furniture. we were just talking about how everyone we know either recently got married or is preggola, and we just look at each other wide eyed and agree to one step at a time. i guess for us that's furniture! 
anyway, so today was so weird. when i went to leave this morning my car wouldn't start. not even a little. so i had to call sweetheart and ask him to come try to revive her. well after about an hour and some much needed assistant from our neighbor with his jumper cables, the car still didn't have enough power to turn over and start. well this is awful because lets just say car batteries are not in this month's budget for me. not even a little. but it turns out a friend just so happened to have my kind of car battery and gave it to us... free. i could barely believe my ears. what a blessing. 
then it was off to pilates. i called brother in virginia and got so into our conversation that i missed a turn! but i did recover just fast enough to make myself remember that i left the keys to the studio at home! could not believe myself. it was too late to go back and the next instructor wouldn't be there, obviously, until after my class was over. and the staff leaves at 4:30, hence, why you have to remember your keys lol. but i drove the rest of the way there anyway because i thought at least i'd be able to see if anyone actually comes. luckily though, when i got there the owner of the studio just happened to have come by to take some photos of the product she sells. so i of course jump at the opportunity to tell her how much i love photography and would love to help her get some great shots! and we sure did spend the next hour on our mini photo-shoot lol. it was pretty fun, and nice to get to know her a little. and i used a canon for the first time in my life! if she uses the shots i'll be sure to post! but anyway, that's why the day was weird. what started as mishaps ended up pretty cool. thankful. more later... 

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