Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The T is for Succotash

hello!!! it could be because i'm on a dairy queen sugar high, but i feel like today was especially GREAT:) it was one of those that just flowed without any real time lag or rush. i got up and did some computer work then organized around the house, and before i knew it my stomach was making it's familiar reminder to feed it. first i made a delicious pair of eggs, over medium, with some fresh avocado on top. 

then i decided while i had the pan and the veggies out, i'd make some succotash for dinner. i found the recipe a couple weeks ago - right about the time my corn on the cob phase was losing it's appeal to sweetheart. for some reason this summer i'm crazy for corn. but i like this dish because a.) i'm a fan of things that combine a lot of ingredients, flavors, textures, etc, and b.) it's a great way to use up any extra veggies you have leftover that may be about to go bad. 
it looked so good when it was done that i added a few salami slices and ate a bowl on the spot! lol i love veggies. and salami. 
and it wouldn't be a proper post unless i mentioned how cool pilates was today!!! tex and sara came! they let me teach them all kinds of things while we giggled and flexed our way through the movements. anything i do involving those girls is always more fun! hooray for pilates. now to bed:) goodnight to you! more later... 


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