Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm sitting here staring at my sweetheart beam back at me while he helps me come up with titles for my first blog. He's proud of himself. I can see all his teeth. Here's some of his finest: 
"Welcome to the Beginning"
"And so it Begins"
 "Here it Is"
.... I roll my eyes lol. But, I also can't come up with anything better, so, you see my dilemma. We will just move on : )  
Today me and Angela drove our way over to Flossmoor to see if the shop owners of that quaint little town would be kind enough to let me post flyers in their windows about my Pilates classes. To my surprise everyone was not only willing, but pretty enthusiastic to help! I don't think I've talked to so many nice people in one day before. Each one wanted to hear about my classes, asked me questions about myself and told me about their businesses, too. It was very cool. Makes me pumped to start teaching out there. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can check it out right here
Is anyone else about to start something new? That's one thing about summer I especially love.... besides loose dresses, sleeveless everything, and bare feet, I love how energizing and happy the warmth and extended sunlight makes me feel. It's perfect motivation to get out there and move. Anyway, that was today:) Looking forward to tomorrow. Gonna go look at colored lights for the studio space to give my classes a little something extra! We'll see what works. More later.

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